Day 2 - A Bold New Goal - Empowered Well-Being
Set a bold new health and well-being goal and start today.
Don’t overcomplicate it - keep it simple and actionable.
Here are some examples to get you going:
I will walk 20 minutes every day for the next 5 days.
For the next 2 weeks I will drink one less soda or coffee daily and switch it for water.
I will do some form of movement for 40 minutes, 4 times a week for the next month.
I will do 3 x resistance training sessions and 1 x cardio workout every week for 4 weeks.
I will practice 10 minutes of breathing exercises daily for the next month.
I will commit to a 9:30pm bedtime every day for the next 2 weeks.
I will buy and eat one extra green vegetable every week for January.
I will home-cook 3 x meals a week for the next 30 days.
I will switch out my shampoo for a non toxic one for January.
I will use non toxic laundry liquid for the next month.
I will give myself permission to play and have fun without guilt or shame once a week for the whole of January.
The key is to make your goal specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. When you do this, you’ll have a much greater chance of sticking to it - and knowing exactly when you’ve achieved it!
Review released daily actions of 31-Days of Empowered Well-Being, click here.
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