Health Coaching

Uncover Your Well-Being Journey

Experience personalized 1:1 health coaching designed to empower your growth and well-being. Our integrative approach addresses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects in a confidential setting. Whether you're facing health challenges, seeking balance, or striving for personal fulfillment, we provide support in areas like lifestyle, wellness visions, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and metabolic health, empowering you on your transformative journey.

Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work because you and your journey are uniquely personal. Our time together is a safe, non-judgmental space where you can deeply explore your well-being needs and goals. Through evidence-based techniques such as somatic coaching and active listening, we facilitate profound reflection and provide you with the tools necessary to make decisions that are in harmony with your vision. This personalized approach empowers you to take steps aligned with your individual needs and aspirations, guiding yourself towards refinement in lifestyle choices, habits, and behaviors to experience a more balanced path.


    Personalized, evidence-based techniques

    Safe and supportive coaching environment

    Encouragement for deep reflection and self-discovery

    Empowerment to make decisions aligned with your goals

    Support in cultivating self-trust, resilience, and fulfillment

  • Integrative

    Your body encodes every experience. Together, we explore well-being through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual lenses to uncover and address root causes. Our goal is to foster balance and harmony by supporting informed decisions aligned with your well-being goals. Health coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prescribe; rather, it provides a supportive environment to explore your needs and make informed choices using evidence-based methods. Health coaches complement, rather than replace, the work of physicians and other healthcare professionals, offering additional support to your overall well-being strategy.


    Holistic exploration of well-being

    Focus on identifying root causes and achieving balanced harmony

    Supportive environment for informed decision-making

    Complementary to your existing healthcare team

    Dedicated support for pursuing your well-being goals

  • Action-Focused

    Coaching centers on setting goals and maintaining accountability while deepening your connection to your vision through embodied self-awareness. This approach aligns your choices and actions with your needs and your personal and professional growth. By evaluating your readiness for change, we transform insights into actionable steps that align with your vision and values. Together, we establish actions, clarify plans, and address challenges to sustain momentum. This balance of sensing, insights, and planning promotes motivation, personal accountability, as well as the celebration of milestones on your path to enhanced wellness and fulfillment.


    Goal setting and accountability

    Enhanced self-awareness and alignment with vision

    Growth in health, relationships, and resilience

    Actionable steps and clear planning

    Sustained motivation and milestone celebration

Packages and pricing Overview


Introduction $300

Momentum $1,100

Transformative $550 per month

Follow-On Sessions

Single Session - 60 mins

Single Session - 30 mins

Single Session - 15 mins

Members / Non Members

$170 / $230

$90 / $120

$50 / $70

*Unlock Member pricing after completing the Transformative program.

All prices are subject to change.

Packages - Health Coaching

  • Introductory

    Start your Birch Cove journey with the Introductory package, designed for first-time clients to begin their exploration. The Introductory package offers:

    2 x 60-Minute Virtual Sessions:

    First Session: Review your health history and identify emerging needs and goals.

    Follow-Up Session: Builds on initial insights, offering targeted support for specific challenges or health concerns.

    Personalized Strategies and Expert Input: Enhances your well-being journey with tailored insights.

    Availability: For new clients globally. Review terms and conditions during the booking process.

    $300 Package

  • Momentum

    This package of 5 sessions is ideal for new clients ready to fully engage, or existing clients seeking to benefit from preferred pricing. This Momentum package includes:

    5 x 60-Minute Virtual Sessions: Designed to build on insights and support ongoing progress.

    Preferred Pricing: Favorable pricing per session, book sessions as needed over a 3-month period. Use all sessions within the timeframe or forfeit the remaining ones.

    Structured Approach: Helps you maintain momentum, address evolving needs, and achieve your goals.

    Continued Expert Input: Provides tailored strategies to enhance your journey.

    Availability: For new or existing clients globally. Review terms and conditions during the booking process.

    $1,100 Package

  • Transformative

    Designed for both new and existing clients - whether you're ready to embark on a profound journey or have completed the Introductory or Momentum Packages. The 6-Month Transformative Program includes

    12 x Personalized Virtual Sessions: Held every other week over 6 months for consistent support.

    Weekly Email and Text Support: Ensures consistent accountability throughout the program.

    Comprehensive Approach: Enhance your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

    Tailored for Lasting Change and Progress: Focused on your unique needs to foster profound, enduring results.

    Exclusive Member Benefits: Unlock preferred member rates for follow-up sessions upon completion of the program.

    Availability: For new or existing clients globally. Review terms and conditions during the booking process.

    $550 Per Month for Six Months

Follow-On Sessions - Health Coaching

  • 60-Minute Session

    For clients who have completed the Introductory, Momentum, or Transformation Program, the 60-Minute Session includes:

    1 x 60-Minute Virtual Session: For ongoing sessions and support as needed.

    Focused Support: Ideal for addressing specific needs or advancing to new stages.

    Actionable Insights: Provides targeted guidance and solutions for ongoing challenges.

    Personalized Attention: Tailored to your evolving goals and progress.

    Flexibility: Book and use at your own pace and convenience.

    Availability: For existing clients globally. Review terms and conditions during the booking process.

    $170 per session (Members only - those who have completed the Transformation Program)
    $230 per session (Non-Members - those who have completed the Introductory or Momentum packages)

  • 30-Minute Session

    Clients who have completed the Transformation Program become an automatic member and unlock further services with preferred pricing and benefits, this 30-minute Follow-On Session includes:

    1 x 30-Minute Virtual Session: Ideal for brief check-ins, expert advice, or brainstorming.

    Concise Support: Helps address immediate concerns and maintain momentum efficiently.

    Focused Input: Tailored to your ongoing needs and progress.

    Availability: For existing clients globally. Review terms and conditions during the booking process.

    $90 per session (Members only - those who have completed the Transformation Program)
    $120 per session (Non-Members - those who have completed the Introductory or Momentum packages)

  • 15-Minute Session

    Clients who have completed the Transformation Program become an automatic member and unlock further services with preferred pricing and benefits, this 15-Minute Follow-On Session includes:

    1 x 15-Minute Virtual Session: Provides a quick check-in for updates, input, or rapid brainstorming.

    Quick and Efficient: Ideal for time sensitive support.

    Focused Interaction: Tailored to address immediate, specific needs.

    Availability: For existing clients globally. Review terms and conditions during the booking process.

    $50 per session (Members only - those who have completed the Transformation Program)
    $70 per session (Non-Members - those who have completed the Introductory or Momentum packages)

“Each person is a unique individual.
Hence, wellness must be a personalized, holistic journey”

- Andrew Weil


Let's spend 15 minutes on Zoom to explore your needs and why you're considering a health coach. This is a chance for us to meet, learn about each other, and see if we're a good fit. I'll also share details about my program and offerings. I look forward to meeting you!


Explore the FAQs about health coaching, covering topics such as health coaching accreditations, health insurance, international clients, fees, and more. If you can't find what you're looking for feel free to get in touch via the contact form.