Exploring the NutrEval Test by Genova Diagnostics: A Personal Journey

Published by: Sarah Parkins

For many years, I have been passionate about preventative health measures and using functional and integrative approaches to manage my health challenges. Recently, with my functional Naturopathic Doctor’s guidance, I decided to deepen my exploration of physical health by undergoing the NutrEval test by Genova Diagnostics. I embrace preventative health strategies and love exploring how to optimize my well-being through my choices. The NutrEval test offers a comprehensive and unique opportunity to gain personalized insights into my body’s current physical state.

Why I Chose the NutrEval Test

At this stage in my health journey, I’ve realized that delving deeper into my physical well-being is exactly what I need. I’m seeking more clarity about my body to guide my next steps, which is why I chose the NutrEval test. Partnering with my functional doctor, this test will provide the insights necessary to determine the best direction for my physical health.

I’ve always believed in the power of prevention, embracing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual practices to be at my best. I work to prioritize strategies to optimize my body’s functioning from mitochondrial energy production to brain health, to digestion, to nervous system regulation, and much more. I’m currently at a point where I need a more in-depth understanding of how my body is processing, where it stands, and what it needs for physical support. This is where NutrEval comes in - it offers a detailed look at my body’s unique needs, helping me fine-tune my health practices and providing my doctor with the insights needed to offer expert guidance. It also helps me discern with greater precision what will work best for me at this point in time.

Conventional vs. Functional Lab Testing: When to Choose Each

Understanding the difference between conventional and functional lab testing can be helpful. Conventional lab testing is geared towards diagnosing specific medical conditions, which is the common experience when visiting your doctor under insurance. Functional lab testing offers further insights by identifying underlying imbalances and indicating potential root causes that may contribute to your overall health status. It’s crucial to know when and what conventional and functional lab tests are appropriate, which is why working closely with a doctor is important.

Functional lab testing, like NutrEval, isn’t for everyone - and that’s okay. Lab tests provide a snapshot of your health at a specific moment in time, and these results evolve as your body changes. I also acknowledge that my experiences, choices, and even my belief system impact my physiology on a cellular level. This is why emotional, mental, and spiritual care are just as important as physical care. This interconnectedness is a key part of my overall health strategy.

The NutrEval Testing Process

Working with my functional doctor, the testing process was straightforward. I had blood (plasma) drawn and provided a urine (first morning void) sample, both of which were sent to Genova Diagnostics for analysis. I opted not to do genetic testing, but that is available as an add-on. The NutrEval test measures over 125 biomarkers, offering an in-depth comprehensive view of my nutritional and metabolic health. While the collection process was straightforward, it requires thoughtful preparation to ensure accuracy and adherence to protocols. Timing is critical, including the need for a freezer (your urine must be frozen for at least two hours), following specific eating instructions the night before, and fasting into the day of sample collection. Proper planning is essential. Although the instructions are clear, having a trusted doctor and team to guide you through the process is invaluable.

While similar to Function Health testing, which I have also undergone, the NutrEval test offers more in-depth insights tailored to my needs. My choice for this test allows me to work closely with my doctor to discuss and understand the results and, importantly, determine the next best steps.

What’s Next: Awaiting the Results

Now, I’m eagerly awaiting the NutrEval test results, expected in about 3-4 weeks. These detailed reports will offer comprehensive insights that I’ll discuss with my doctor to refine my health strategy. The analysis will cover several critical areas:

  • Organic Acids & Gut Function: Insights into malabsorption, dysbiosis, and overall digestive health.

  • Cellular Energy & Mitochondrial Function: Evaluation of energy production efficiency and Krebs cycle performance.

  • Elemental Markers: Assessment of toxic elements (such as lead, arsenic, and even the impact of exhaust fumes) and essential nutrients (like copper and magnesium).

  • Vitamins, Minerals, & Antioxidants: Analysis of crucial nutrients for optimal bodily functions, immune support, and protection against oxidative stress.

  • Amino Acids & Fatty Acids: Insights into muscle repair, neurotransmitter balance, brain health, and inflammation control.

  • Neurotransmitters: Evaluation of brain chemicals impacting mood, energy, and cognition.

  • Microbiome & Digestive Support: Examination of gut health and microbial balance to support digestion and overall well-being.

  • Oxidative Stress: Assessment of oxidative stress levels to understand how well my body is coping with cellular damage and to guide antioxidant support.

  • Additionally, I’ll receive functional imbalance scores, highlighting areas where I have high, moderate, or low needs for support. This detailed information will help me understand where my body needs the most attention and guide the next steps in optimizing my health.

My doctor will review the results, and together, we’ll discuss the next steps and identify the additional support my body needs. I prefer this personalized approach to refining how I can support my body and its current physical needs. While the results provide valuable insights, they represent a snapshot in time, as our bodies are constantly evolving. At this moment, I recognize that my body is working hard to regain balance, and I want to offer it the extra support it needs.

My Thoughts So Far

Even though I’m still awaiting the results, I already feel empowered by taking a proactive step toward a deeper understanding of my physical body and health. The NutrEval test, in collaboration with my trusted doctor and her dedicated team, is more than just a diagnostic tool; it helps me identify potential issues before they become significant problems. My doctor is an integral part of my health journey and a key member of my trusted team of experts. I value her expertise and the support from her office practice, which are key elements and partners in my overall well-being. This test offers an opportunity to support my body as it works to regain balance and reestablish homeostasis.

My Personal Experience Only

While I’m sharing my experience with the NutrEval test, I want to clarify that I’m not recommending or endorsing it, nor do I have any affiliation with Genova Diagnostics. My goal is to provide insight for those interested in this functional lab test. It’s also important to note that functional lab tests like this one are often not covered by insurance. The reasons for this are complex and might be explored in a future post, but it does mean that such tests are an investment.

Having witnessed firsthand the financial impact of deteriorating health, I choose to invest in my preventative healthcare to optimize my health and well-being. The cost of care if sickness arrives can be astronomical, particularly in the U.S., making prevention a more affordable option in the long run. While this requires careful financial planning, health and well-being are priorities for me. This is why I delve into understanding my personal needs, ensuring that my spending aligns with my values and goals.

Learn More

For a deeper dive, check out Dr. Stephen Goldman’s review of the NutrEval Test. Dr. Goldman is a medical education specialist at Genova.

Finally, always work with a medical professional for guidance, advice, and next steps. Their expertise is crucial to your own journey.

Disclaimer: The information and services provided by Birch Cove are for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Content is provided for awareness and general guidance. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or health needs. Birch Cove is not responsible for any actions taken based on the information or services provided.


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