if you were evil and wanted to give people chronic diseases…


Let’s find out what chatgpt said…

“If you were evil and wanted to give people chronic diseases what would you do?”

“That’s a dark question, but if the goal were to understand how modern lifestyles contribute to chronic disease, the answer would involve many things already happening in society. Factors that drive chronic illness include:

  • Promoting Ultra-Processed Foods: Encourage diets high in refined sugars, seed oils, artificial additives, and low in fiber and nutrients.

  • Encouraging Sedentary Lifestyles: Normalize excessive screen time, discourage physical activity, and design environments that limit movement.

  • Disrupting Sleep: Push late-night screen exposure, high stress, and irregular sleep schedules, which can lead to metabolic dysfunction and cognitive decline.

  • …. Discover the other 4 things that contribute to giving people chronic disease, and then find out which 7 things ChatGPT said prevent chronic disease in the Birch Cove Members Area.

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